Video Blog- Paid Media Channels

The online paid media world has evolved in the last few years. Today I want to give you a quick overview of all the online paid media channels available for you as an advertiser.

Social Paid Media

Social Paid Media includes channels like Facebook ads, Pinterest ads, Twitter, LinkedIn ads, and TikTok.

Running on social channels requires a social profile and maintaining a company page. The benefit of paid social ads is a positive impact on your social media profiles with higher engagement. 

Social media channels provide many tactics, targeting, bidding methods, and AI optimization. 

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

With Google or Bing SEM, your text ads will appear at the top of the search results page when a prospect searches for relevant keywords. 

SEM is a PPC (pay-per-click) tactic where you only pay if a prospect clicks on your ad.

SEM is considered a high ROI tactic and it helps you connect with a user who is actively searching for your offer.

Display and Native 

Display and native ads are everywhere online. Nearly any website you go to will show you Display and native ads. Banners are very commonly used and have been with us since the early days of the Internet.
Native and responsive ads look more like online content and they will match the look and feel of the page. 

Display ads are charged by CPM, which is the cost for 1k impressions and offers many different targeting tactics.

Google Display network is one of the most common platforms for Display ads and also offers Youtube placements.
While bigger advertisers used DSP- demand side platforms, such as DV360 to buy display and video at a larger scale and usually at lower CPM. With DSP, you can also reach Connected TV and deal with big publishers. 

Last but not least, there are many direct deals online. A direct media deal will be an agreement between the advertiser and publisher for media placements.
It will work best for companies with small niches or if your product is not allowed on Google and FB such as CBD products, adult-only items and etc

How do you know where to advertise?

For each brand and offer, we recommend a different media plan. There is no one-size-fits-all all solution to marketing.

When we recommend media tactics for your business, we will look at your online assets for your brand and will use this knowledge to put together a forecast for your paid media spend that will provide you with a higher ROI. 

If your offer is being searched a lot on Google, SEM might be a very effective channel for you. If you have a strong engagement on one of your social media channels, we will explore how we can leverage this channel for you with paid ads that will increase your reach. 


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