Dying Trends in Digital Marketing in 2023

While the digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, some trends may need to be revised in 2023 due to changes in consumer behaviour and market conditions.

If you are reading this, you are thinking about your online marketing strategy and how it will evolve over the next few years. Thinking of digital marketing trends that might be on their way out is exciting because we know they can't be far from becoming irrelevant.

The speed at which digital trends develop has all but ensured the failure of any fashion to last over a decade or so before something new comes along and takes its place, often making it look old-fashioned in the process.

Organic reach is dead

It used to be that you could grow your brand organically on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, but those days are long gone. You can barely get any reach for your posts anymore, and the engagement rate is so low that it's not even worth the effort of posting anything.

Organic reach on Facebook and Instagram is dropping, and growing your brand on these platforms is getting harder. Facebook is now only showing ads and content from groups to its users, meaning that you need to pay for exposure.

With organic reach dwindling on both Facebook and Instagram (with no signs of slowing down), the question becomes: how can you still get your content in front of new eyes?

Meta Ads (Facebook and Instagram) results are dropping

iOS14 has had an impact on the effectiveness of Facebook Ads. After iOS14 was released, Facebook's ability to track conversions dropped by as much as 50%.
This means there’s no way to track conversions properly like in the past. This can lead to a decrease in sales and revenue and is not an option for businesses that rely on those two metrics.

The good news is that this doesn't mean that Facebook Ads are ineffective anymore; it just means it's more difficult to measure their effectiveness.

Facebook ads have also become more and more complicated to manage. It makes it nearly impossible for an individual to run FB ads with the help of an experienced paid media agency.

One-touch conversion from paid media ads

It's no secret that today's consumers are time-poor and inundated with ads. The only way to stand out is by being consistent and relevant—and that means you need to implement a multi-channel approach to your paid media campaigns.
Today, we all know that it requires a few touches from paid and organic media to reach one goal.
Multi-channel campaigns will include brand awareness ads, sales dynamic ads, Email marketing and social media, all working together.

Where to invest your marketing efforts in 2023

With that in mind, here are a handful of digital marketing trends from 2012-2020 that we will see a little more of in 2023.

Content marketing

Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — with the objective of driving profitable customer action. Content marketing is a great way to build your brand's reputation and grow your audience.

Here are some of our favourite ways to create content that will help you attract new customers:

1. Blog posts

2. Guides and resources

3. Podcasts

If you want to improve your SEO ranking, one of the best things you can do is write original content for your website.

Google has recently updated its core search algorithm to favor original content over duplicate and spun content. This means that if you've been using duplicate or spun content on your website, Google's new algorithm will penalize you and your rankings will suffer.

Email marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective tactics for improving your marketing strategy and one of the trends that is still growing in 2023

Email marketing is a great way to reach your current and potential customers, and it can help you build relationships with them.

In addition to being an effective communication channel, email marketing has a high return on investment (ROI). This means that email marketing is an investment that pays off quickly.

Email marketing can also help you increase brand awareness by sending regular updates about new products and services.

Google Adwords

Facebook is no longer the go-to place for advertisers. As Facebook's reach and the effectiveness of FB ads has dropped, many advertisers are turning back to Google ads where they see more efficiency. The reason for this is because Google is able to target users more effectively with its ads. This makes it easier for advertisers to reach the right people with the right message at the right time.

Google ads work well for small advertisers because they're easy to set up, and they allow you to target people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service.You can also use Google ads to reach people who are actively looking for what you have to offer, so it's a great way to get more traffic on your website.

Ready to stay ahead of the game and adjust your digital marketing strategy to evolving consumer behavior and market conditions? Contact us now to stay on top of the latest trends in digital marketing and ensure the success of your brand's online presence.


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