Building Your Brand With Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) Advertising

Today, grabbing attention is more challenging than ever. One advertising method is rapidly gaining traction due to its innovative approach and remarkable effectiveness: Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising. By blending the time-tested success of traditional out-of-home (DOOH) advertising with the dynamism of digital technology, DOOH offers a powerful solution to engage your target audience in real-time, right when it matters most.

What is Digital Out-of-Home Advertising?

Digital Out-of-Home advertising refers to digital ads displayed in public spaces. Think of it as the modern evolution of classic billboards and posters but with a digital twist. Unlike static OOH ads, DOOH leverages screens to broadcast dynamic content in various formats such as digital billboards, transit displays, and interactive kiosks. These screens can be found in diverse locations, including gas stations, airports, shopping malls, elevators, and even taxis.

The integration of programmatic technology with DOOH enhances its effectiveness. Programmatic DOOH allows for real-time ad buying and optimization, ensuring that your message reaches the right audience at the right moment. This synergy not only maximizes efficiency but also enables highly targeted and impactful advertising.

At Gerber Media, we bring you a diverse range of DOOH options that are perfect for complementing your existing digital media channels. Our network is strategically designed to enhance your advertising reach and engagement through innovative formats such as Digital Streets/Urban Panels, In-Car/Car-Top Rideshare, and advanced geo-targeting techniques.

Street Displays / Urban Panels

Street Displays and Urban Panels offer high-visibility advertising placements in bustling city environments. These displays are strategically located to maximize exposure and capture the attention of pedestrians and drivers alike. With over 200 million impressions available per 30 days in Toronto alone, these panels are ideal for reaching a broad audience across the city.

Street Displays / Urban Panels placement on the streets of Toronto

In-Car / Car-Top Rideshare Advertising

In-Car and Car-Top Rideshare advertising positions your brand directly in the view of rideshare passengers and drivers. This format is especially effective for targeting individuals during their commutes and leisure travel. By leveraging geo-targeting, we can ensure your ads reach riders entering specific areas of interest, such as Etobicoke or the downtown core.

In-Car / Car-Top Rideshare Advertising placement

Geo-Targeting for Precision and Impact

One of the standout features of our DOOH campaigns is the advanced geo-targeting capability. This allows you to pinpoint exact locations and tailor your ads based on where potential customers are travelling.

Goals and Implementation:

  • Targeting Specific Areas: We can focus your campaigns on users driving towards or coming from Etobicoke, the downtown core, or the airport. This ensures your message is seen by individuals most likely to be interested in your offerings.

  • Radius-Based Targeting: Although we can’t track specific routes of riders, our geo-targeting system enables us to target ads within a specified radius. This can include or exclude areas based on your preferences, such as concentrating on Etobicoke while excluding other parts of Toronto.

Audience Demographics: Who Will See Your Ads?

Understanding your audience is crucial for effective advertising. Our DOOH campaigns reach a diverse yet specific demographic:

  • Income Brackets: 56% of riders earn more than $71k per year, and 42% earn over $100k annually.

  • Age Groups: The majority of our audience falls within the 18-34 age range (46%), with significant representation from the 25-34 (28%) and 34-45 (13%) brackets.

  • Lifestyle Attributes: Our audience includes tech-savvy individuals, frequent travelers, and active participants in fitness activities. They are also impulse shoppers and homeowners, both in suburban and urban areas.

Campaign Breakdown and Budgeting

When planning your DOOH campaign, it’s essential to understand the financial aspects and potential reach. Here’s a detailed breakdown for a budget of $1000 as an example with the available options:

  • In-Car / Rideshare Advertising

    • Toronto Impressions (30 days): 10,980,480

    • Standard Rate Card CPM: $500

    • Total Impressions: 71,428

  • Car-Top Advertising

    • Toronto Impressions (30 days): 10,000,000

    • Standard Rate Card CPM: n/a

    • Total Impressions: TBD (depends on inclusion)

  • Streets Displays (Urban Panels)

    • Toronto Impressions (30 days): 200,000,000

    • Standard Rate Card CPM: $500

    • Total Impressions: 100,000

Total Campaign Budget: $1,000
Total Impressions: 171,428

Why DOOH Advertising Should Be Part of Your Strategy

Contextual Relevance: DOOH ads can be strategically placed in environments where they resonate most. For example, advertising a travel app at an airport or promoting retail deals inside a shopping mall ensures that your ads are contextually relevant and timely.

Cookieless Advertising: Unlike online advertising which relies heavily on cookies and third-party data, DOOH operates independently of these digital trackers. This makes it a privacy-friendly option that doesn’t require extensive data collection to deliver effective ads.

Rapid Growth: The DOOH market is expanding rapidly, with global expenditures expected to hit $45 billion by 2024. Its growth is driven by its ability to deliver high-impact, engaging content that captures the audience's attention. 

Wide Reach and Brand Awareness: DOOH ads can reach a broad audience outside their homes, making them ideal for building brand awareness. They effectively cast a wide net, ensuring your brand message is seen by diverse demographics in various locations.

Engagement and Creativity: Digital screens allow for creative flexibility that static ads cannot match. Interactive elements, dynamic content, and engaging visuals capture attention more effectively, creating memorable experiences for viewers.

Targeting Capabilities: Advanced targeting options allow you to deliver ads based on location, time of day, type of venue, and even weather conditions. This precision ensures that your message reaches the most relevant audience at optimal times.

Customer Journey Integration: DOOH can play a significant role throughout the customer journey. For example, ads in a grocery store can remind shoppers of your brand as they make purchase decisions, enhancing overall brand recall and influence.

Interactive Engagement: Digital screens in transit hubs or waiting areas provide opportunities for interactive ads that entertain or inform viewers during idle moments, increasing engagement.

Multi-Channel Integration: Integrating DOOH with other digital channels—such as native, display, video, Connected TV (CTV), audio, and in-game ads—creates a cohesive brand narrative across multiple touch points. This multi-channel approach enhances overall campaign effectiveness and reach.

Why Choose Gerber Media for Your DOOH Campaigns

From strategy to execution and optimization, we make it easy to plan, launch, and analyze your DOOH advertising efforts.

Our programmatic capabilities allow for precise ad targeting and real-time reporting. The platform’s customizable dashboard provides valuable insights into campaign performance, helping you make informed decisions and optimize your strategy.

Digital Out-of-Home advertising is a significant leap forward in capturing audience attention and driving brand engagement. With the power of digital screens and programmatic technology, DOOH allows you to deliver dynamic, targeted, and impactful ads in public spaces. Whether you're looking to increase brand awareness, engage audiences in meaningful ways, or integrate DOOH into a broader multi-channel strategy, the possibilities are vast and exciting. Contact us to learn more about DOOH advertising.

DOOH advertising is the future of advertising so make sure your brand stands out in a crowded marketplace with Digital Out-of-Home.


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