Pre-Construction Lead Generation Through Paid Ads

How to find better quality leads that convert into actual buyers?


The pre-construction market in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is booming. Interest in new condo developments and pre-construction projects is growing, presenting prime opportunities for developers and marketers to capture leads and drive sales. Although last year saw market fluctuations, 2024 has seen a rise in new listings and buyer interest, leading to lower prices and a favourable environment for homebuyers.

Right now (June 2024), all eyes are on the Bank of Canada's next move, with interest rates expected to be cut in mid-2024. Lower rates would mean more affordable mortgages, potentially boosting demand for pre-construction condos and attracting more investors in the rest of 2024 and the following years.

As a paid media agency specializing in real estate, our goal is to help you achieve brand awareness and generate quality leads for your sales team through strategic, data-driven advertising campaigns.

Media Buying Objective

There are two primary objectives for our real estate clients: increasing brand awareness and driving more leads for the sales team. By focusing on these goals, we ensure that your brand not only reaches a wider audience but also converts potential buyers into actionable leads.

Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness is crucial in the competitive real estate market. Potential buyers need to recognize and trust your brand before considering to invest in pre-construction condos or new developments. To achieve this, we employ a multi-channel approach that includes:

  • Targeted Display Ads: Using Google Display Network and social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, we create visually appealing ads that showcase your properties and highlight key selling points.

  • Video Views Campaigns: Informative Videos including launch events, tours and testimonials can highly engage potential buyers. Platforms like YouTube and Meta offer excellent opportunities for video ads, giving prospects a closer look at what you offer.

  • Content Marketing: Producing valuable content, such as blog posts, guides, and market reports, helps establish your brand as a trusted authority in the pre-construction market.

Driving More Leads for Your Sales Team

Generating leads is the lifeblood of any real estate marketing campaign. To drive more leads, we focus on precise targeting and effective retargeting strategies:

  • Search Ads: By targeting highly focused keywords like "pre-construction condos Toronto," "new condo developments Toronto," and "pre-construction projects GTA," we capture high-intent users actively searching for properties.

  • Retargeting Campaigns: Users who visit your website but don’t convert immediately are valuable prospects. Retargeting them with tailored ads ensures they remain engaged and are more likely to submit a lead form.

  • Lookalike Audiences: Using data from existing leads and customer profiles, we create lookalike audiences to target new potential buyers who share similar characteristics and interests.

  • Custom Audiences: We use in-market, affinity and highly targeted segments targeting prospects visiting similar websites.


Effective measurement is essential to understand the impact of our campaigns and optimize them for better results. The two primary metrics are reach and cost per acquisition (CPA).

  • Reach: This metric helps us determine how many potential buyers are exposed to your ads. By tracking reach, we ensure your brand gains maximum visibility among the target audience.

  • CPA (Cost per Acquisition/Lead): CPA measures the cost-effectiveness of our campaigns. By analyzing CPA, we identify the most efficient channels and strategies for generating leads at the lowest possible cost.

Targeting the Right Audience

Targeting the right audience is key to the success of advertising campaigns. We focus on users who are looking for pre-construction and condo investment opportunities based on demographic, interests, and geographic factors:

  • Demographics: Age, income level, and family status are critical factors in identifying potential buyers for pre-construction condos.

  • Interests: By targeting users with interests in real estate investment, luxury living, and urban development, we ensure our ads reach the right audience.

  • Geo-targeting: Focusing on specific geographic areas, such as Toronto and the GTA, allows us to reach potential buyers who are actively looking for properties in these high-demand markets. We ensure excluding locations manually which are not approved/relevant to properly utilize the marketing budget and not waste a penny.

Competitor Analysis and Industry Trends

Staying ahead of competitors and industry trends is vital for creating effective paid media campaigns. We work closely with competitor data and industry insights to create precise segmentation and lookalike audiences:

  • Competitor Insights: By analyzing competitors’ campaigns, we identify successful strategies and gaps in the market that we can exploit.

  • Industry Trends: Keeping ahead of the latest trends in the pre-construction market ensures our campaigns are relevant and resonate with the target audience.

Results and Optimization

Our data-driven approach and commitment to continuous optimization have resulted in impressive results for our real estate clients. By using unique creatives and a mix of ad copies, we have successfully targeted and retargeted users who visit the websites, leading to a significant increase in lead form submissions in the targeted area at a substantially low cost.

Currently, we are conducting extensive testing of high-budget paid media campaigns across all channels to refine our strategies further and maximize ROI:

  • A/B Testing: Testing different ad variations helps us identify the most effective messaging and creatives.

  • Budget Allocation: By allocating budgets to the best-performing campaigns and channels, we ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness. We perform daily budget pacing for live campaigns.

  • Real-Time Optimization: Continuous monitoring and real-time adjustments allow us to respond quickly to market changes and optimize campaign performance.

In the current pre-construction market in Canada, using the right paid media strategies is essential for building brand awareness and driving leads. By focusing on targeted advertising, retargeting, and continuous optimization, we help real estate businesses achieve their marketing objectives and maximize their ROI. Our tailored paid media campaigns are designed to deliver results. If you want to see our past results or need a customized ad solution, contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your goals.


Social Media June Updates


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